Monday, August 20, 2012

Leadville post-race thoughts

A more lengthy report is forthcoming, but I figured I would write some thoughts down while they're still fresh.

This year's Leadville 100 was the most painful thing I have ever done. I entered the race with some mild plantar fasciitis in my right foot that ballooned into an extremely painful entrapped nerve. Add in some blisters from altering my gait and I had one very abused foot. I'd say it was 8-9/10 on the pain scale from mile 70 to the finish.

It was humbling to run so slowly and finish not in the dead of night, but at sunrise. However, it feels better to have finished and stuck it out than to have quit when I knew it wouldn't end well. I took Ken's words to heart and never thought of quitting, even when I was reduced to focusing on just the next step. Finish what you start.

Never drink a full can of coke at an aid station. You will turn into a fire hydrant of Clif Shot Blok chunks and stinging, fizzy vomit. It is true that you feel fantastic afterward.

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